No.11 Juicy Peach Tea
:aneway No.11 Juicy Peach Tea
Peach and iced tea are two great flavours that taste even better together! Despite being slushy and decadent, this is a nicely balanced cocktail, with herbal and bitter notes that play nicely with the fruity and floral elements.
Sweet Tea with Honey
Make the tea first, and leave it brewing while you prepare the other ingredients. It’s extra concentrated, so as not to water down your cocktail.
Add to a heat-proof measuring cup:
• 3 tea bags (orange pekoe, green tea… or almost any tea works)
• 2/3 cup boiling water
Brew for up to 5 minutes, remove tea bags and add:
• 1/3 cup honey
Stir to dissolve honey and set aside to cool.
No.11 Juicy Peach Tea
Add to a blender:
• 4 cups ice cubes
• 250mL/1 cup Sweet Tea as prepared above (be sure to pour directly on the ice if your blender is heat-sensitive and the tea is still hot)
• 1 oz fresh-squeezed lemon juice
• 6 oz Laneway No.11 Gin
• 4 fresh basil leaves (or more, if you love basil!)
• 4 large sliced & peeled ripe peaches
Blend on high for about 20 seconds, or until peaches and ice have combined into a fine slush.
Enjoy! Makes 4 cocktails.
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Difficulty: 2/5